The Voice of One

Scripture Reading - John 1:22-23 KJV

22 Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself?
23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.

We (ihlcc) are still sharing on the subject of hearing “a voice” and discerning the source of the “voice”. In a prior lesson we spoke about recognizing “A Shift” in the tone and/or rate of words coming from the voice of the speaker to discern exactly when God is speaking. In another lesson we highlighted “The Voice” of God which is the voice of God’s Word. Since we know that His Voice is upholding all things by the Word of His Power it is critical that we hearken (listen and obey) unto God’s Voice. We also taught on “Your Voice” revealing two things. The first was that God learns about you from hearing your voice and the second is the truth that your voice is your authority in this earth. We also mentioned “the voice of reason” which contrasted the difference between carnal reasoning and godly reasoning according to God’s Word. Just remember spiritual reasoning according to God’s Word trumps carnal (natural, earthly) reasoning every time. In our last lesson we discussed God being in the still small voice and concluded that we must become still (isolated and secluded) and small (humble and meek) to hear Him. In today’s lesson we will discuss the reality of “The Voice of One”. First, we (ihlcc) are thinking that many people don’t have a clue about this “Voice of One” being God’s Voice because this term is specifically used in our Holy Bible therefore those who don’t commune with the Holy Bible will not be familiar with this term. Yes, we see it used in Isaiah 40:3 as “The Voice of Him that cries in the wilderness”. Referring to today’s reference scripture quoting John the Baptist. In every gospel account of John the Baptist this verse is spoken of. Whether Matthew 3:3, Mark 1:3, Luke 3:4 or John 1:23 the term “The Voice of One” is used consistently to highlight the ministry of John the Baptist. Since we know it was brought up in all Gospel accounts we must understand it is an important phrase. Therefore let us explore a little into this topic for more understanding. Initially, we can see at least four principles coming from this term. The first being that John the Baptist started with an Old Testament truth to build his ministry foundation. Likewise, each believer today should build their ministry from the Word of God found in the Holy Bible. Yes, we must start with a sure foundation then look to build upon what has already been established (spoken by God). Starting with God’s previously spoken word used (manifested, revealed, spoken forth again) in the right context and timing is always good to do because it lets the listener know that you are not trying to build some new doctrine but rather establishing a present truth. Secondly, we notice that John the Baptist kept his message simple he said what God said without expecting for everyone to understand exactly what God meant. We too as believers in Christ Jesus must not force the issue. John knew that only those who were called (open, chosen, prepared, humble, etc….) to see Christ Jesus as the Messiah would see him. Yes, we also know that not everyone accepts our testimony about Jesus Christ being The Savoir of the world but He still is. Yes, we must keep our message simple and focus on the message of salvation first with unbelievers or babes in Christ without getting into more heavy doctrines about the present day ministries of angels along with their precise classes. Simply preaching on repentance toward Jesus Christ by confessing your sin (or sins) and complete reliance on your Father God through Jesus Christ is rock solid and foundational for evangelism. John did not preach a law of good works but rather salvation first with good works following. We too should look for people to be saved first before we expect to see good works unfolding in their life. Thirdly, we see John continuously not accepting the glory and/or fame that comes with being in the ministry (a public figure who certain people look up to). It is OK for people to look up to you just as long as you are never guilty of looking down on them. This is very importance because we see many people, some would argue all Christians, that have the ministry to evangelize others by preaching and/or teaching God’s Word who take credit for God’s Good Work. Yes, we know many would deny this but the truth is the truth. How many times have we seen God anoint someone to do the good work which The Lord has called them to and when success manifest they take credit with God. Of course, this is the sin of many ministers because those who are called of God will be under more temptation to sin due to their greater influence in the earth. Yes, those with large ministries with be tempted by Satan (not God) largely, whereas those with small ministries will be tempted smally in comparison. Remember to much is given much is required (Luke 12:36) and likewise to him that is given a small assignment only obedience to that small assignment will be required. We must remain humble before God by not ever taking credit for His Holy Awesome work nor should we ever think that our good works (deeds, actions, great prayers, our own great measure of faith, etc…) is the primary reason we are blessed. For by Grace we are saved (completely bless) through faith it is not of yourself (your own personal good works) but rather a gift (thee ultimate gift) of God so no man should boast according to Ephesians 2:8 & 9. Fourthly, “the voice of one” was used by John the Baptist to identify exactly who he was. Remember when the question was asked, “Who are you?” John responded in boldness when stating “I am The Voice of One” which literally meant I am “the Voice of God”. This cannot be lightly overlooked because how many people today would answer someone trying to understand them as being “the voice of One”? literally meaning God’s spokesman. We (ihlcc) can only imagine not many. Wise bible students know that all those who study the scriptures in godly sincerity are familiar with God’s Word, His terms and His phrases, so John must have known that if they couldn’t identify that term correctly they also would not be able to identify him correctly. Yes, dear child of God, go thou and do likewise. This means if you are a true disciple of Jesus only those who share your same passion and knowledge will truly know and understand just who you are. Amen! So follow the same steps of John the Baptist by being “the Voice of One (The Voice of God)” in speaking God’s Word. First, all things you build both now and in the future build them upon the previously existing foundation of God’s Word. Secondly, keep your core message to others simple and keep your motive pure and simple too. Thirdly, keep a soft heart as a servant of God even though you truly are a Child of God. Too many children of God walk around as princes over people instead of having a humble heart to serve those same people. Fourthly, wholly identify yourself as “the voice of God” in this earth to be heard by all those who need your help. Knowing that “a voice of God” could speak many things from different people but “the voice of one” speaks only one thing – God’s Word pure and true. Since you are a light of this world shouldn’t this world look to you for answers? Yes, indeed you can answer them with God’s Word when you personally know Him (Your Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ) by being well acquainted with His Word. Please understand if we don’t identify with the God of Heaven while we are upon this earth we also will have no identity at all in hell. If we faithfully speak words of “The Voice of One” our Heavenly Father and Savoir Jesus Christ will be faithful to recompense us with His spiritual blessing of peace, revelation and a deeper understanding of Him, The Master of the Universe. The truth is there is only One Great One and only He is worthy and qualified to be the creator and source of “the Voice of One”. Amen!